Thursday, August 19

Lake Okanogan, Canada

The first week of August Chris and I went up to Seattle to joining my family on a boating trip. This time we decided to try out a new place which was actually in Canada- Lake Okanogan. It brought back lots of old memories of all the old boat trips we used to take in the summer. It was great to be with my family, enjoy the boat and explore a new place.

Chris and Paydan both glued to their Ipod games

Dad trying to stretch out his back... PEACE!

Playing SCUM... Chris was the scum this round-hence he had to wear the VISOR of SHAME.

Umm... Don't ask

I love Paydan's devilish grin on his face as he is squirting mom.

Can you tell we are happy to be out on the boat?

Aren't my parents sooo cute!

AHH! Don't Squirt me!

Bust a Move Chris... I am lucky I married a man with such great MOVES!


Me, Paydan and Mom on the tube... of course Paydan is all smiles since he is nice and safe in the middle of the tube.

My Skiing Idol... I wanna ski like my Papa!

I love this picture of Chris... it shows the mxiture of joy and sheer frustration trying to pull off a 360 on the kneeboard!

Wake boarding... don't you love my snazzy florescent wetsuit from the 90's!

Trying to do my 360 again... step by step- but you will notice in the last frame I was unsuccessful that time!

Pure Happiness

I love how my bangs turned out in this picture- haha... let's just say they totally match my 1990's wet suit!

Chris on the Wakeboard



Camille said...

love these pictures! we just got back from a Washington lake trip as well! What a small world. Miss you Mrs. Jones :)

Kennan said...

Great pictures! You got some amazing action shots. Looks like you guys had fun! :)

Diana Hulme said...

1. you guys are TAN! i almost forgot what it looks like to be tan. :)
2. scum is such a fun family vacation game.
4. that lake is GORGEOUS
5. such nice photos! i especially love the one of chris doing the 360 with all the spray!

Abby said...

Boating AND scum? Sounds just about perfect!:)

Annie. said...

Oh my gosh I am LOVING all these photos! Haha! So flippin funny. The one of you with the sweatshirt? on your head, Chris busting the moves, you and your 90s bangs, which I also had and remember quite well....hilarious. Thanks for posting!

The Bowldens said...

i miss boating with your family! im still mad at my dad for selling our boat =(

Mark Brown said...

That's totally cool! I always dreamed of trying out wake boarding, but time and location doesn't permit me. Maybe, I'll go with my family to go on a fishing trip with my boat that is recreational craft directive exempted (which makes it easier for me to bring it along) and also go for wake boarding afterwards.