I don't know what it is... but blogging just hasn't been my thing lately. Hence the lack of posts. I have it on my "to do" list for weeks and I just never seem to have the motivation to actually do it. I even got as far as getting the pictures I wanted on the post... but just not typing it up. But today is the day!
So here is what we have done in January and February and so other random thoughts...
My Niece Libby had her 1st birthday which we got to celebrate with her. I didn't get to take any pictures during the party but I did snap some before in her cute birthday outfit. And below her picture is a picture of the doll I made her for her birthday.
We also got to go to a couple of my nephews' (Carter and Sawyer) basketball games. It is pretty entertaining to watch 4 year olds try and keep straight their team and their basket. Lots of the litle guys ended up guarding their own teammates. Also Carter is a little super star... like a white, 6 year old Kobe.
Speaking of Kobe... we got to go to a Lakers game with our friends the Woolfords. We were excited to hear that they had got their hands on some tickets. Chris had never been to a Laker game in the staples center- so it was a dream come true for this die hard Laker fan...and of course the beat up real good on the Jazz!

I had two friend have babies this past month so I had the opportunity to put my sewing machine to use. I treied a new project to give to them... a car seat blanket. It allows you to pull the seat belt straps through the blanket and still swaddle them. Here is one of them (first picture is it opened up- you can see the strap holes. The second picture is it swaddled):
I also got to have some girl time... one night I went out to dinner with my neighbors Tiffany and Michelle for some good Chinese and then another night I got to see my good friend, Lisa, from Seattle who lives down here now. Don't get me wrong- love the hubby but it's nice to have some girl time!
Chris and I were excited to see my dad who was down in LA on business. We drove down and picked him up and headed to Santa Monica. Chris had been dying to try this burger place down there (that was name best burger in his GQ magazine) and it gave us a perfect chance to go with my dad. The place is called UMAMI BURGER and there are like 5 locations throughout LA. (Umami is supposedly your 5th taste- after sweet, salty, bitter, and sour). These burgers really were the BEST! if you aren't a meat eater... maybe not for you but these burgers were sensational. They also mae thier own ketchup and thier siades are SO Yumy too! Chris went nuts over thier smushed potatoes with garlic aoili dipping sauce. GO if you get the chance .
But back to the evening... it was great to be with my dad. We ate our burgers, got some frozen yogurt and walked around Santa Monica a bit. THANKS DAD!
(this is the manly burger which I ate... I don't even think the picture does it justice)
(we also had their yummy tempura onion rings!)
Chris and I have also become addicted to the IPOD version of the Settlers of Catan. I mean I must even admit that I pull it out and play when I am stopped at a red light- I know... I have a problem. But if you like Catan and have an Ipod check it out.
We got to see our talented nephew and niece in their school talent show. Carter did a stand up comedy... or told jokes and Maddie sang "Popular" from the musical Wicked.
This month we have also enjoyed going to the temple, eating at Taco Tuesday @ Tios, watching The Bachelor (yes, Chris loves it too!!!), seeing the movie Unknown with Chris' parents, and much more!
Love that picture you took of Libby! I'd love to post some on my blog. That burger looks amazing. I'll have to try it sometime. Love you!
You are such an amazing crafter! That doll is adorable, it makes me wish we were having a girl so I could make one! :)
I LOVE that doll! I'm so impressed! And I have to say, that burger looks AMAZING. I'm not hungry, but I want one. Bad.
holy moly. That burger is impressive! And that doll is too cute!
Tell me what you think!