Monday, September 27


So for Labor Day weekend we headed back to the Holy land... Provo for the first BYU game of the season.

We flew in late Friday night... after being delayed and had to SPRINT off the plane in order to get to the rental car kiosk before they closed- we didn't want to be stranded at the airport. But we made it and drove to the hotel.

the next day we woke up and headed to campus to hit up the bookstore to get some new BYU gear. We had lunch at Brick Oven with Katie and Chris and their kids (who were also there for the game). After some relaxing at the hotel we headed up to the game.

We sat ROASTING in the heat in the Washington section (since my dad got us our tickets) but overall it was a great game- especially once the sun went down. It was really fun also to see Jake Heaps play in his first college game. Jake is from my hometown and SKYLINE alum. Also his dad used to be my basketball coach of a team I played with his sister. Additionally it was cool to see all the old superstar BYU quarterbacks come back for the half time presentation.

(Us at the game)

(Chris, Chris and Carter enjoying the game)

(The BYU QB half time presentation)

(check out the score!)

On Sunday we visited my friend/old roomie, Elyse and her Husband at their cute place and also got to have lunch with my Aunt Nikol. It was great to see all of them. Then we flew home. It was a really fun LAbor Day weekend. If only now the cougars could win another game!


Camille said...

what a fun weekend! I love/miss Provo and you. We had some good times there my friend. That's fun you got to see munchkin #1. I miss that girl, too.

Elyse said...

SOOO nice to see you guys! Glad you came. Also, too bad the Cougs can't seem to win this year...