Monday, December 13


So for Thanksgiving this year we headed to great Northwest. We flew up to Seattle to be greeted with a couple inches of snow and 8 degree weather... VERY abnormal for that time of year. The next morning we packed up the car with my family and headed to the Blue Mountains in NE Oregon to head to the usual meeting place for my mom's side of the family.

It was great to be with everyone from my mom's side of the family, especially my grandparents who just returned from a mission serving on the Navajo reservation in Arizona. We ate a lot, relaxed, played in the snow, watched movies, played games and just enjoyed being together!

Sorry there are not many pictures to document our time up there (I blame my dad... sorry Pops, because we only brought up his camera). but below are some pictures of playing in the snow and relaxing in the cabin.

I was REALLY glad I got to see some snow- because who know when I will see some again. It was nice to get a break from the 80 degree weather so I could finally feel like winter is here. Nothing like snow and a cabin to get you in the holiday spirit!