Tuesday, January 25

Christmas break with the Bussey's

So after Christmas time my Parents, Paydan, and my Grandma came down to San Diego (after spending Christmas at my Grandma's in Central California). With them being so close that allowed us to get to see them too during Christmas Break. I felt really lucky to get to spend time with both sets of families over break!

Here are some things we did...

We went to Mission De Luis Rey and explored a bit around it since it was a rainy day . It was a cool historical places to get to see. Here is Chris, my Mom, Paydan and my Dad in front of the mission.

The Beautiful Mission- They sun came out just as we were leaving!

We also got to go to the Wild Animal Park (a separate park of the San Diego Zoo). I was cool to see all the neat animals and go out on a safari-type ride. I was also excited to get to use my new camera lens my dad gave to me for Christmas.

Chris doesn't quite measure up to a Gorilla

It was VERY chilly at the park- which we were not quite expecting- so we stopped in the gift shop and this was the lovely outfit Chris put together.

The View of part of the whole park

umm... not quite sure why Chris' hand is on top of my head...oh well

At nights we either helped my Grandma with puzzles or played games.

the resort they were staying at was the Lawrence Welk Resort. If you know any "old" people they can tell you who Lawrence Welk is or you can look at the wikipedia page here. So they put on shows in the theater at the resort. So for Christmas my parents gave my grandma tickets for all of us to go see the show- "Big Band Christmas". It was actually pretty good and fun to hear all the Christmas Classics- but we were definitely the youngest ones in attendance by at least 30 years!

The last day we hung around the resort and my dad thougth we should partake in some of the activities the resort sponsors so we did the cookie decorating.


Then since we only had like half a day we decided to go to downtown San Diego and explore. We were not quite sure what to do when we saw the USS M- a retire AirCraft Carrier that is now a museum.
Paydan, Me, Chris and my Mom starting to explore the ship
In front of one of the many planes on the deck

Aye-Aye Cap'n!

Chris and I are recreating the famous statue in the background

Overall Christmas Break was WONDERFUL. I am so grateful to have such wonderful family on BOTH sides!


The Bowldens said...

amanda- you are so beautiful, girl!