Sunday, January 16

Christmas with the WHOLE Jones Family

(What a lame blogger I am... but here is my weak excuse... first I edited all my like 700 pictures from Christmas break and then lost all the edits, so I had no motivation to sit and do them all again. Finally I finished the pictures and loaded some on to a post- but I forgot about it and haven't added text until today- WHOOPS! Better late than never?)

So this year we spent Christmas with the whole Jones family... which is a rare treat! We had all the three family members that live here in CA but then we had the Herrera's from Texas and the Jones' from Louisiana too! So here is a quick run down of some of the things we did over break.

We went to see TANGLED and I was totally impressed. It was great and I loved all the music. Here is Kallie, Maddie and Brooklyn at the movie.

Here is Chris and Kallie at the Bass Pro Shop (a HUGE outdoor store) that has a Santa's village inside with free activities and pictures with Santa.

We went to Logan's Candy shop to watch them make Candy Canes all by HAND! It was amazing to see the process and was such a cool little shop. Here are some of the Family looking through the glass at the demonstration.

Here are some of the Kids and Grampy with their Candy Canes that they got to bend themselves after the demonstration.

We also did a little Christmas Eve Bowling. So Much fun. Look at Chris' intense form.

Here is my awesome bowling stance

We had a cute Christmas Eve Program with costumes for the kiddos that Katie had.

Here is Coleman, Kristy, Wes and Chris waiting for the program to start. I have to make a special shout out to the stuffed Santa on Chris' lap. It is his favorite childhood decoration and couldn't keep from snuggling it.

Sawyer the Shephard, Maddie the Inn Keeper and Libby the Sheep

Brooklyn as Mary and Baby Ava as Baby Jesus

Collin and Sawyer- To little shepherds (Sheep and "hook" included)

Maddie and Grammy preforming a Christmas Song

The Chaos insues...Opening Christmas Jammies from Grammy and Grampy

Chris and I got Jammies for each other too... These are my WONDERFUL Sock Monkey ONSIE pajamas. Finally me feet don't get cold!
(Chris just got basketball shorts and a new tee shirt for his pj's)

All 13 of the our nieces and nephews! They are all sporting their new PJ's and their "JONES" tees that I made for them.

We didn't want to spend Christmas eve on our own and most of all miss out on the joy of Christmas morning with kids. So we spent the night at Chris' parents house.

Here are the kids ready to run down and see what Santa left them.

Brooklyn, Davis and Chris chrecking out what Santa ate of his treats.

Lily, Kallie and Brooklyn all playing with their cute new dolls!

Chris snuggling with Collin, Kallie and Davis... Can't you tell they love him.. haha!

We also enjoyed a wonderful Christmas breakfast at Katie's house! It was very delicious- thanks for the Nielsen family letting us into their home.

It was a wonderful Christmas, especially being all together with the Jones'


Annie. said...

You just posted Christmas, I just took Christmas decorations's ok. :)

Killer bowling stance, I'll bet you rocked those lanes.

Jammies are HILARIOUS! Haha!

So nice to be with the WHOLE family isn't it?

Unknown said...

Just want you to know how much we appreciated Aunt Amanda and Uncle Chris during the holidays. We love all the pics Amanda took...she is a pro photographer! Thanks for always being there to help with the grand kids. We love you both very much!