Monday, March 26

So this post might be long(I'm wordy and can't help it) and with "feminine" details you could care less about, and many will just skip past it, which I am totally okay with. Also some might think it is to gain sympathy. But I mainly write this post becuase it is posts like these that have really helped me and it honestly is a bit theraputic for me. I promised a post about my surprise surgery/ER visit- so here it is, along with some history.

My surgery was to remove an ovarian cyst that had ruptured. I knew I had the cyst and was scheduled to have it removed- however I guess my cyst was sick of waiting so it ruptured. So how did I get these cysts, who knows?  But I've had some for the few years. I found out about them at an appointment about a two years ago. What promoted this initial visit- in a nutshell- INFERTILITY. 

Chris and I have been married for over five years and we have always wanted kids and looked forward to that day. As a teenager I always assumed that by my age (26) I would have 1-2 kids.  I even remember writing in a time capsle with my 5 best friends our senior year in high school about where were would be in five years, We all wrote that I would be married and have kids. Well too bad life can't be exactly how we imagined it.  So over two years ago Chris and I started really trying to start our family.   

Here is our journey thus far on the infertility roller coaster:

After some time it wasn't happening and on top of that my cycle was.... WHACK! I would go 80 days between a cycle... then 20, then 60 to 35, to 40. I finally scheduled an appointment to see an OB.   She was a sweet lady but she could not see why at my age (24 then) I was so worried about not getting pregnant.  "You're still so young,"  she said and also the world.  But I had been married 3 years and was ready to be a mom. It's not like I was some naive 19 year old, who after watching 16 and pregnant on MTV, thought it would be cool to have a baby. So all I left with that appointment was a pat on the back and some medicine to start my cycle (since it had been 60 days).  

More time passed and baby. I started tracking everything to help me better predict my wild cycles.   I scheduled another appointment with a new OB. This one was much more sympathetic. He was as helpful as he could be and ordered as many tests as he could to see why I might not be getting pregnant. Well all came back normal, except for my ultrasound which showed a small ovarian cyst.   Now cyst are fairly normal and only are a concern if they get really large- so my doctor said we'd watch them. My doctor informed me that he could only do so much before it would fall under the fertility department.  I asked if he could give me even just Clomid...but nope.  So he gave me the number to call. 

I made the call to the fertility department... BAD NEWS. In this healthcare group you can only see fertility doctors if you have coverage. They won't even let you walk in thier doors and pay out of pocket without it. So I asked to be switched to that insurance plan that covered infertility. More BAD NEWS... the only way to get that coverage is through working at some large corporation who has insurance coverage. There are no individual plans for that. 

SO what do I do.. i research any infertility clinics in my area. At this point I know EVERYTHING will have to be out of pocket.  I finally found the cheapest, and closest place.  My first appointment was pretty much a consultation. The only new information I got was that she believed one of my cysts was an endometrioma (which cam be more problem-some) but told me to just have my doctor keep an eye on it. She said there are lots of routes for infertility but since I was paying out of pocket she was going to try just the low-cost things first. So she gave me 6 month prescription of Clomid (which induces ovulation). She was pretty positive that this might work since I was young and healthy.

Well each month went by with the usual cycle of excited hopefulness with crushing results. By the 5th month I learned not even to get my hopes up (which is pretty sad and pessimistic).  Well the Clomid worked, meaning I ovulated, but no pregnancies after 6 months. Back to square one. 

Just as I am about to make another appointment with my infertility doctor, who told me the next step would be IVF (in-vitro fertilization). I get a call from my OB- he told me that one of the cyst (that were checked every 3 months) had grown to the size of a baseball. He wanted to remove it because if left untreated it could ultimately cause loss of an ovary. So I was scheduled a month out for surgery.  In the mean time I was given Lupron to hopefully stop the growth of my cyst before my surgery.   But Lupron has MENOPAUSE-like symptoms. I'm talking hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, and moodiness.   (My mom appreciated having someone to relate to- who would have thought it would have been her twenty-something daughter).

One night while on vacation in Newport Beach, I went to use the bathroom and afterward I got cramps. I thought they would pass, like usual, in a minute. They didn't...they got worse. We had friends with us too at this time. So not wanting to make a scene I quietly called for Chris. Of course he couldn't hear me, so I had to call louder. By that point he, along with our friends (Crismon's) came running into the bathroom. At that point it escalated fast. My pain got worse and worse, my whole body went rigid, which made it a bit hard to breathe.  This freaked me out-so I think I had a mini panic attack. I threw up a few times and there was NO position in which I could relax and feel comfortable. Finally after an hour of thinking it would pass- I gave up and told Chris to take me to the ER.

To make a long story short, lots of IV's, pain killers, 1 x-ray, CT-scan, and ultrasound later they discovered it was my cyst that ruptured. Unfortunately there is no sure way to see exactly what is going on in there without putting a scope in. So going into surgery they told me that they thought my ovary was twisted and if so, sometimes when they untwist it the blood will not flow back in the and ovary will be DEAD. Cue the freaking out inside my head. So now I don't just have some infertility problems but I will be down an ovary! Well... finally some GOOD news: In surgery they found that it was only my ruptured Cyst (which was an endometrioma) and no ovary torsion. 

So here I am now... They told me after my surgery that they also found out that one of my tubes seems to be blocked. This is probably a major reason why it has been difficult to get pregnant, on top of other things.  I have a post-op appointment in a week where hopefully I can receive some more answers and what my next steps will be. However, after reading some information it seems like IVF might be our next step. 

Lessons Learned:
There have been lots of lessons learned during this process and I am sure there will be many more.  I have learned to be patient and understand the Lord's timing. I know that there are many experiences that I would never had had if I had children, and I am sure the Lord planned it that way.  I have learned to be more sympathetic, especially to those who are struggling with similar circumstances.  I get emotional every time I hear anything about others who face infertility.  I have learned to pray more earnestly.  I have realized that answers to prayers come in many ways.   For example, the Lord has not blessed us with children yet, but he has given me patience, optimism and kept me busy so I don't just dwell on being child-less.  I know for many this can be an overwhelming and majorly depressing thing.  Don't get me wrong, its been real tough, but I realized that the Lord has blessed me tremendously by helping me through it without bitterness.   I have learned not to compare myself to others.  I still struggle sometimes seeing younger girls getting pregnant or couples that have only be married a year having their first child.  But I have learned that I am not them and they are not me- so it doesn't matter.   I have learned to turn to others for help, guidance, and support and to let people in.  I have learned to still have fun and enjoy time with others, even when the conversations turn to kids and mothering.  I just see this as my mentoring sessions, so I can learn as much as possible before I am a mom.   I have been able to form stronger relationships with some because we are able to relate our infertility "woes", my mom included.  There are countless other lessons.

 If you have made it this far I want you to know that I write this long post to maybe help those in similar situations. There have been others who, through their blogs, has helped me cope.  If you have any questions, I am more than happy to answer them.  I have learned not to be embarrassed or secretive about these issues. I love to expand my network of those facing infertility!

I KNOW that Chris and I will someday be blessed with children, whether through natural means, IVF, or even adoption.  I never doubt that and am ever hopeful.


Kennan said...

Thank you for sharing this Amanda! Made me tear up a bit. :) We have been trying to start a family for a while too and it doesn't seem to be happening quickly for us either. While I have good feminine health and haven't been diagnosed with any problems yet I can still empathize with the feeling of not being where you thought you would be at this stage of life. I know how frustrating and heartbreaking it is to feel like you have so little control of your life, especially regarding something so important. Life is full of obstacles and they are sometimes relentless. Thanks for reminding me to stay positive, faithful, and hopeful. You are a wonderful person and example. I wish we still lived close so I could have been a better support to you through this. :)

Camille said...

Amanda this was beautifully written. I think about you often, and know that everything will work out. Infertility sure is a tough and sometimes confusing trial, but like you, I know that it will only make me appreciate that little one when he/she finally comes! Stay strong my friend. I love you!

B said...

Hi Amanda,

I had heard through the grapevine that things were tough in the fertility department for you and Chris and my heart breaks to hear it. I would never wish infertility on my worst enemy.

I just want you to know that you are a strong woman, you are not alone, and by this trial, you join the ranks of some of the most admirable and special women that I know. Whatever lessons we learn through this trial will make us better people, mothers, friends, support systems, etc... But we all know that in the mean really stinks.

Please never give up. You will find success and your dreams will come true because you will not let this get the best of you. I can sympathize with everything you are going through and I just wish I could give you a hug and let you know that it will all work out - one way or another - some day.

Please check out Dr. Geoffrey Sher. He is in Las Vegas. His IVF rates are really great and he was a godsend for us as we too paid for everything 100% out of pocket. ( I know what kind of toll infertility can take on you emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually, and on your marriage. There is no corner of your life it won't touch. Hang in there and if you ever want some virtual support, email me.

Take care and continue to update us. We will keep you in our prayers.


Lisa said...

I loved reading this post, but feel the hardship you are facing. Although I have not yet tried to have a baby, I have felt the pain of infertility through my parents, experienced IVF from the prospect of a sibling, and am likely facing infertility of my own due to similar genetic problems I got from my mom.

It is such a hard burden to bear, but I hope you know you are loved and will find the strength of dealing with such hardships. You and Chris will probably also find a stronger bond than you ever would have thought as you find your very own way to have a family.

xo Lisa

Amanda Jones said...

Thanks Kennan, Camille, Brittney and Lisa for your sweet comments! It is so nice to have wonderful people in my life that I know are so supportive of me, and also understanding!
Thanks for helping "ease my burden" a bit!

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Thanks for sharing Amanda...although we don't have the infertility issue, we can somewhat relate. Whit and I have thought about you guys and are so sorry this is part of your journey. It's not easy having things not go the way you expect them, whatever way that is. I love the lessons you've learned and you've reminded me of things I need to remember myself. We'll be praying for you guys. Love from Salt Lake!

Janelle said...

Thank you for sharing, it must've been hard to write some of those personal feelings. I think/pray for you both often. I'm sorry this has been your struggle, it's hard to see someone hurting, no matter what the trial is. You will make an amazing mother to some very lucky children, however they come to you, no doubt about that. Lots of love.

Bridgette Nicole said...

Thanks for sharing Amanda! You are so faithful and hopeful about the whole situation. Infertility scares me so much. You are so right about it being on the Lord's time. He probably has so much he wants you to do for him that you wouldn't be able to do with kids. You are amazing and such a great example to me. Love ya! You can do this!

The Bowldens said...

I love you Amanda! I know you will have kids. It took Allie a super long time (her problems were mostly hormonal). I will be praying for you, ok?

les lunettes de soleil lady said...
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Nan said...

You are experiencing almost exactly what I experienced. There were many nights I only found peace on my knees as I poured out through tears my disappointment and frustration. I am sorry. Modern medicine is on your side. Never forget the Lord knows you as an individual. He is there to succor you in pain, disappointment, and the injustices of mortality.
Nan Lemmon