For November Chris was down in California doing a rotation. I spent the
first part of the month at home recovering from my surgery. It was so
nice to go back to my class after being gone so long and to have my
students so excited to have me back- absence definitely makes the heart
grow fonder.
But I got to go to my niece Audrey's 1st birthday (my brother Brandon's daughter). Heidi did a great job with the cute Rainbow theme. She made these great colorful macaroons too! I wish I had pictures of it all. But here is a picture of my mom, Audrey, and I. I am glad we have gotten to live close to them this year so we can watch Audrey grow up.

It was our turn to spend Thanksgiving with my family- but instead of spending it in Seattle they planned to do it in California which worked out perfectly! It is always great to be reunited with Chris after being apart for so long. We actually had a pretty unconventional Thanksgiving- we spent the day at DISNEYLAND! We even ate our Thanksgiving dinner in the park. I was so excited because it would be my first chance to go to the new Carsland. We all loved it!

Tell me what you think!