Wednesday, May 15

Introducing Dr. Jones! - GRADUATION-

ON May 15th, 2013 all of Chris' hard work payed off... he graduated from Podiatry school and became a DOCTOR!  He is now Dr. Christopher Jones D.P.M.  

His graduation was held at the Pasadena Convention Center.  It was a ceremony for the Dental, Optometry, and Podiatry Classes of 2013.  It was fun because we had friends in the optometry and dentistry programs too.  The ceremony was full of the usual pomp and circumstance.  Actor Edward James Olmos (from Stand and Deliver, Battlestar Galatica, etc) was the speaker. He did a good job and kept it short and sweet.  The highlight for me was being able to go on stage with Chris' dad and "hood" Chris.  We got to place the graduation hood over Chris' shoulders, which is I guess pretty rare for schools to allow family to do it. 

We are grateful that Chris' parents got to join us along with Katie (his sister) and her daughter Libby, and Wes (Chris' brother) and Kristy.  Katie took amazing pictures for me during the ceremony and afterwards! After graduation we took some pictures and then went to lunch at a Brazilian Churrascaria (like Taconos).  That night we also got the rest of Chris' immediate family that lives in California to come to dinner at one of our favorites, Panda Inn.  We are so grateful for all the support our families have been through Chris' schooling! 

I am so proud of Chris, I cannot even tell you!  All his hard work, sleepless nights, crazy schedules, and sacrifice paid off!  Chris also was accepted into the Pi Delta National Honor Society for being one of the top students in his class.  I know that Chris is going to make an amazing podiatrist... now on to the 3 year residency! 

Edward James Olmos Speaking

Tal and I "hooding" Chris

Handsome Dr. Jones!

Lunch afterwards

Us at the Dinner Celebration 


here is a movie of all the great pictures Katie took at Graduation!